Prevent leaks and water damage

at the source!

The smart water control system

that protects your investment.

No more water damage

and problems resulting from it.

Prevent leaks and water damage

at the source!

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The smart water control system

that protects your investment.

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Prevent leaks and water damage

and problems resulting from it.

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No more water damage caused by leaks and broken pipes

NOFLO protects you against water damage caused by leaks and broken pipes, since the water inlet of your housing unit remains closed. NOFLO automatically opens the water inlet only when you are in your home.

The basic system is composed of an electric valve, a management unit, a motion sensor and five probes to track leaks. The system shuts off the water if there is no movement in the housing unit after two hours, or if one of the probes detects a leak.

NOFLO in detail

Prevention is

A smart, innovative and reliable system

The NOFLO system eliminates all water leaks and, by the same token, any wastage of this valuable resource. Contrary to systems that shut off the water only after detecting a leak, NOFLO prevents any damage by shutting off the water when it is not needed.

Should a leak occur without your knowledge while you are in your house, the probes warn the system and the latter automatically shuts off the water to limit the extent of the damage.

Furthermore, if you notice a leak, you can use the emergency stop button, exclusive to the NOFLO system, to shut off the water and avoid the worst.

An essential

For all co-owners, building administrators and owners of single-family homes or multi-dwelling units.

Water damage costs are greater in buildings with multiple residential and commercial units, and there are also major impacts to the quality of life of the occupants.

The investment required to install a NoFlo system in each unit is minimal when compared to the costs incurred to restore the units that have suffered water damage.

Learn the benefits

Save on your
insurance premium

Contact your broker or insurance provider to find out more about the discount granted. PFor more information on the other benefits linked to the installation of the NOFLO system.

Learn the benefits

Your commercial or residential building stays dry

A smart system designed for total peace of mind

For more information on how the NOFLO smart water control system works and its benefits, please view the short video below.

Your commercial or residential building stays dry